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Chinese Idiom Stories: The Magic Four 2

Chinese Idiom Stories: The Magic Four 2




No sound, no problem! 掩耳盜鈴

Groundless worries 杞人憂天

There are hundreds more of these Chinese idioms (chengyu) that pack a lot of meaning into four characters.


Many of these Chinese idioms originate from historical events, classics, and folklore; they give us valuable insights into Chinese culture, history, and literature.


Aimed at English learners, The Magic Four groups together some of these well-known stories with attitude and behaviour as its theme.


Each story is accompanied with extra learning elements:

•       The literal and figurative meanings;

•       A similar idiom/phrase in the English language;

•       Definitions of useful vocabularies in the story;

•       Meanings of different idioms/phrases used in the stories and examples.


Not only will you gain insight into Chinese wisdom accumulated for centuries but also learn fun aspects of the English language too!

  • 作者

    Catherine Chan, Simon Lau, William Ma

  • 頁數


  • ISBN


  • 裝幀


  • 出版日期



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